To use the applications on an outside computer, though, you will need to provide access to the internal network to the IP address of the system with the scanning application.
If you can set up a PC outside the local network hosted by the router, you can download applications such as NMAP or NetScanTools that perform full system scans for any IP address on the network (links in Resources).
If you have access to a computer outside your network, you can download and install a security application that will enable you to scan all ports on the router and computers connected to it. By congested network, we are actually referring to the networks that are. this utility will enable system administrators to quickly get a detailed report for the access rights on any computer they manage. Nevertheless, if you want to perform a full scan of open ports on the router or the computers, scanning all available ports will take a considerable amount of time. Fast forward a month and I plug an ethernet cable into my PC for some gaming. In most cases, scanning the first 1,000 ports on the router should suffice for detecting malware or listening apps. There are 65,536 TCP ports and the same number of UDP ports available for data traffic. Additionally, run thorough anti-virus and anti-malware scans on all network computers to rid the systems of any malware or viruses that may be responsible for the open ports. If you find open nonstandard ports not used by legitimate applications, block access to them in the configuration settings of your router. Generally speaking, opening fewer ports on a router or computer increases security for all PCs connected to the network. The service or application to which port forwarding is performed must be started so that the port can be seen as 'open' during the check. Port forwarding will not work when accessing from the local network. There are 65,535 different port numbers applications and processes can use to send and transmit data over the Internet. To check whether port forwarding is working, you must access the router's WAN interface from the Internet. If an open-port scan performed on a security website reveal any open nonstandard ports, refer to the documentation for all applications that require access to the Internet before closing nonstandard ports arbitrarily. If a particular port does not report as open in the Netstat window, your router's open-port status display or in an open-port scan, you can safely assume that the router is not allowing access that port. Many more might need to remain open because of legitimate applications installed on computers connected to the network. By default, these port numbers are usually active and open in most routers. Common port numbers that typically may be open include 21, 25, 80, 110, 1. A number of ports are safe to open such as the ones used for Internet access, email and FTP file transfers. Sites such as, WebHubTools and T1 Shopper all let you perform open-port scans on your router and computers connected to the network (links in Resources). #PORT FORWARD NETWORK UTILITIES VIRUS FREE#
You can also perform free open-port scans online.